
Hello! I am Ngoc Thu Pham.

I am really interested in developing front-end (web/mobile) applications to improve user experience. To describe myself, I would say I am an eager to learn, hard working and meticulous person.

I believe every opportunity that comes to me is a precious one to apply my skills, to try my best. I not only can learn new technologies to improve myself, but I can also dedicate and show my strength.

Basic Information
+84 90 692 6531
Programming Skills
JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3
Tools / Frameworks
React.js, TypeScript, MobX.js, React Native, Firebase
MS SQL Server
Git, Agile Development, Basic Adobe Photoshop

SEP 2017 - JAN 2021

Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor of Software Engineering

FPT University

Cumulative GPA: 7.65/10 (Transcript)

Merits of Good Student of 4/9 terms (GPA ≥ 8.0)

Work Experience
Grove HR
An HRIS product developed by KMS Technology, Inc.
Mobile Developer
Jun 2021 - Present
  • Built Performance and Timezone modules
  • Made improvements for Time-off module
  • Upgraded libraries and maintained the app
  • Technologies and libraries: React Native, MobX.js, Moment.js, React Native UI Lib, RN Calendars, Mixpanel
Front-end Web Developer
Feb 2021 - May 2021
  • Built Company Documents module and maintained Dashboard module
  • Built new UI layout for Dashboard module
  • Technologies and libraries: React.js, TypeScript, MobX.js, Ant Design, React Final Form, Mixpanel
Front-end Web Developer Intern
Sep 2019 - Apr 2020
  • Developed Dashboard and Time-off module
  • Made improvements on Recruitment module
SheCodes Vietnam
A community which aims to empower more women to participate in the field of technology.
Front End Developer
Sep 2021 - Dec 2021
  • A platform for female students to connect with experienced people to have clearer direction in the future
  • Discussed with PMs and Design team about requirements and UI/UX design
  • Developed Create account feature
  • Technologies and libraries: React.js, Ant Design, TailwindCSS, Next.js
Vice Leader of Tech Team
Apr 2021 - Aug 2021
  • Researched for topics and built plan for 9 workshops and 4 techtalks in a 4-day hackathon
  • Invited speakers and discussed with them about the content of workshops and techtalks
  • Executed the event and solved unexpected problems
  • Achievements:
    • Biggest women-only hackathon in Vietnam
    • 500+ registrations and 50 projects were made during the hackathon
Teaching Assisstant
Jun 2021 - Jul 2021
  • Researched, planned and supported teacher for HTML/CSS course for beginners (mostly female high school students, freshmen, somophores)
Student Activities

Dec 2017 - May 2018

Personal Development Program Department
Collaborator of PR Team
  • Member of “48-Hour Movement Spring - 2018” Organizers
  • Wrote posts about university’s news, events, people,…
  • Participated in organizing university’s events: Spring Fair 2018, Thanking Party,…
Contact Information


+84 90 692 6531





